This practice assignment was honestly pretty frustrating and time consuming. It took me over an hour to find a host site that allowed me to use images inside my mind cluster for free. I could not find rationalization in paying for apps to use on an assignment that was not worth any points other than what goes towards my professionalism grade. With that being said below is a cluster of "Strategy". All four images are of different board games. The top picture is of a board game called "Cash Flow" this is a game designed to teach and develop the brain to understand the risk and rewards of investments. The left picture is of the greatest strategy game ever invented. "Chess" is a two player strategy game that forces you to not only think about your move in front of you but the anticipation of your next moves as well as your opponents. The bottom picture is of troops playing the board game "Risk". This game involves deciding where to place your army and anticipate being invaded for you land as well as decided where to expand. The picture to the right is of "Settlers Of Catan". This board games helps you understand how to barter with fellow opponents as well as expand your reach to new resources. The strategy behind this game is extensive and really makes you exercise your thinking power. I believe board games are the most simplest but effective way to help build your thought process when it comes to strategy.
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