Sunday, January 25, 2015

Portfolio Subject Selection

What is the name or title of your subject?
"Topeka's 1st Annual Independence Day BBQ Competition"

What is the nature of the subject? Provide a description or bio.
This local bbq competition is intended to provide a competitive outlet for all local pit masters and bbq enthusiasts alike. The art of barbecue is synonymous with being American. This is why every year on July 4th we will invite everyone to come participate and support the local barbecue scene.

What is the subject’s main purpose or goal?
The goal is to raise money for multiple charities in Topeka, KS. There will be a prize awards for the chefs and cooking teams who place in each category. Outside of this all other profits from entry fees as well as the money gained by the general public in attendance will be spread amongst the charities in Topeka in hopes we can boost and accelerated the growth of the city of Topeka.

What are the subject’s core values?
The core values are four elements. The first being promoting healthy and fair cooking competition. The second being celebrating the day our beautiful nation established its independence. The third being demonstrating and educating the public on safe but great quality barbecuing. The fourth being the continued growth of the city of topeka.

Who is the subject’s intended audience, members, or customers?
The intended audience is as many people we can reach in hopes that all in attendance will have a great time knowing they are a part of the growth of topeka while celebrating safely the american tradition of BBQ and July 4th! 
Our members would be the chefs and/or cooking teams who compete within the competition. Our only restriction is that anyone who enters to compete must having proving residency in the state of Kansas. This is not to discriminate against anybody who does not reside in Kansas, but is a way to celebrate all of the great people who reside on our state that are able to provide the highest quality BBQ in the nation. 

Does the subject have any specific symbols or logos?
There is not a specific symbol or logo but the tagline that will be on all advertisements will be "Our State's Best!"
Is the subject associated with any particular color or color?
The colors will be Red, Blue and White. This is cliche' but I feel this is the best way to promote and celebrate the goal of hosting the event on July 4th every year. 
What do you see as the subject’s greatest media needs?
Our greatest media need is awareness of event through advertisement. The event can be as big as we want it to be but the key essential to the growth of the event will be flooding all advertisement mediums available. 

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