Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 1 Analysis: Business & Blogs

Upon review of these 3 fantastic blogs, the things I noticed that made them alike were the huge eye popping graphics. They all seem to fit the same standard format as far as scrolling the page goes. I noticed every blog has an attached image or video. This is something I need to get better at with my own blogs. All three seem to have a standard font used as well. I've noticed the better graphic designers don't rely on crazy hard to find fonts. The more clean and professional the blog looks is usually due to clean fonts and font sizes.

Dollar Shave and Science World seem to differ from the Full Sail blog due to how commercial the approach is. The Full Sail blog seems to have a very infomercial like approach. The other two seem to be more narrow in there reach. It is as if Dollar Shave and Science World have a very specific approach and Full Sail is going for a broad horizon with its blog.

Dollar Shave and Full Sail differ from Science World in the aspect of how clean and easy to look at they are. Science World seems to take the classroom approach. This is fine but if they are in the market of attractive new readers, in my opinion the blog itself needs to be updated with a more contemporary look.

Science World and Full Sail differ from Dollar Shave just by a more conservative approach. I quickly noticed viewing the Dollar Shave blog they have some funny but risky graphics to go along with the different blog post. This is a double edged sword in that, this could attract new customers but also quickly turn away potential customers. Science World and Full Sail seem to rely on a more safe approach with graphics and blog topics.

Science World is unique for the simple fact they have mastered a fun learning approach. The blog itself is very simple and doesn't seem to overwhelm at first glance. This is very essential for a couple reasons. First with the simple but effective approach it seems to make viewing the blog easy for the younger readers as well as the elderly readers. Secondly the blog seems to understand how to interest the blog viewer into learning without forcing learning.

The Full Sail blog is very speak and graphic heavy. This is a perfect tool for advertising to potential students. It also seems to stand ahead of the rest by the moving story tiles. This is something I think Science World could do better. The Full Sail blog seems to come alive as soon as your screen comes up. I've noticed blogs like this have more traffic just off the strength of how well it interacts on the screen.

The Dollar Shave Club blog is the most modern of the three. It seems to scream hip and coolness. It is very apparent this is a strictly man blog. The uniqueness of this approach seems to be what has driven this company to success. They could have easily got this blog wrong just by not following its business model but the creator of the blog really hit it on the head with the All Man All Business look.

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