Sunday, August 28, 2016

Final Edit Blog Post

1st Annual Kansas BBQ Competition

First and foremost I really enjoyed working on this video this month. For my final edit I took heed to what my professor suggested that would liven up the commercial. To start I replaced the background still image of a fire with a video clip of an actual grill on fire. I then slightly turned up the volume of the background music. Lastly I added the sound effect of charcoal burning. I thought doing this really added a dimension that made the commercial a better experience! If I had more time I would have tried to capture film of people eating plates from the mentioned competitors. Overall I am very pleased with the outcome. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Refined Cut

For my refined cut, I added the commercial dialogue. I wanted to make it sound as fun as possible so I practiced using what I call my "radio voice". I had a great time writing and recording the dialogue. I then also turned down the background instrumental to a more suitable volume to compliment my voice. I shortened the overall video as well to fit my written and recorded dialogue.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Media Project Part 2 - Rough Draft

Initially I wanted to take on the task of creating a short documentary about the history of barbecue in Kansas. However, due to time constraints as well as equipment constraints I realized this was going to be a tall task. After careful consideration I decided to transition to the construction of a commercial for my BBQ competition event. The rough cut below does not include the narration vocals or sound effects I plan to include but is an overall main view of what the commercial should look like. I have also included below a screenshot of my final cut pro work station.